Snake In and Around Your House

Snake are generally shy reptiles

Snakes, for the most part, are apprehensive reptiles who do not want to interact with people. Snakes offer quite a few benefits around your residence by eating mice, slugs, grubs, insects as well as other venomous snakes. Most of the snake species in North America are non-venomous.

Many people still have a tendency to be afraid of snakes and want nothing to with them. The information below is part of an article from the National Pesticide Information Center to help find ways to keep snakes away without posing unnecessary risks to your family, pets, and or the environment.


If you or someone has been bitten by a snake that you believe to be venomous contact poison control or your local health care provider immediately. Poison Control Center 800-222-1222

  • For pets call, the National Animal Poison Control Center at 1-800-426-4435 for advice. If your pet appears to be bitten and is experiencing pain, swelling, or visible bruising, contact your local veterinarian or emergency veterinarian office right away.
  • The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) states “Chemical snake repellents are available, but they can pose risks to people, pets, or the environment if they are not used properly” If you are attempting to use one of these products make to watch the product videos showing how effective they are before spending money on them.
  • Only use repellents that specifically state on the label that they are snake repellents, and use them only according to the label instructions. Using other repellants like “mothballs” can be against the law in your state and you could unknowingly be hurting the people around you and the environment.
  • One of the best ways to deter snakes is to prevent snake problems before they start by removing their food source. Not leaving food out and storing pet food in sealed containers will lower risks of encountering a snake.
  • Snakes like cool damp places to hide. Seal entry points into your crawl spaces and basements.
  • Ensure door and window screens fit tightly to frames. Cover vents and drains
  • Keep your yard clear of log piles, scrap heaps, trash and other debris